AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, South Boston High School is under a receivership ordered by the federal district court in Boston which, in its application, effectively nullifies the collective bargaining agreement between the Boston School Committee and the Boston Teachers Union, Local 66, AFT, AFL-CIO; and

WHEREAS, a consent decree is presently before the federal district court in Boston seeking to eventually remove South Boston High School from this receivership, which decree contains gross violations of this collective bargaining agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Boston School Committee therefore actively supports the involuntary excessing of South Boston High School teachers and paraprofessionals in violation of this collective bargaining agreement; and

WHEREAS, for two successive years teachers and paraprofessionals have been unilaterally and involuntarily excessed from South Boston High School without reason, just cause, or any explanation and thus denied their rights under this collective bargaining agreement; and

WHEREAS, the organized teachers and paraprofessionals in South Boston High School are facing an organizational struggle for survival:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers expresses its support for the Boston Teachers Union in its efforts to fight these efforts to destroy collective bargaining; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be featured in the next issue of the American Teacher. (Executive Council)
