AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has issued a call for all unions to participate in "Solidarity Day" on September 19 to protest the Reagan administration's assault on vital social programs; and

WHEREAS, the Reagan administration has proposed massive cuts in education programs as part of their assault on the social programs; and

WHEREAS, the proposed cuts in social programs will cause extreme hardship on millions of Americans who directly benefit from the programs as well as serious job losses for many Americans including teachers:

RESOLVED, that the AFT actively support "Solidarity Day" on September 19 to help assure its success and to make the Reagan administration realize that they have no mandate to cut the social programs including education; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT contact all of the AFT locals and state federations to encourage their participation in an organized contingent within the AFL-CIO rally; and

RESOLVED, that AFT encourage its locals and state federations to enlist the support of all who support the programs including the civil rights movement, the unemployed, senior citizens, the unorganized and the poor, to establish local coalitions to carry out the work of mobilizing and organizing the March on Washington.
