AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, a serious blemish on democracy in the United States is found in the racially exclusive membership policies of many organizations whose declared purposes are social, fraternal, service, patriotic, and recreational; and

WHEREAS, a racial basis for restriction deserves the condemnation of all who believe in essential human dignity; and

WHEREAS, teachers should be exemplary in their practice of democracy in all aspects of life:

RESOLVED, that this Convention call upon all social, fraternal, service, patriotic, and recreational organizations to end their racist policies or abandon the field to groups willing to practice democracy; and

RESOLVED, that this Convention call upon all teachers, school administrators and school board members, who may be members of such organizations, to help end their racist policies, and, should such policies not be abandoned in word and deed within one year from this date, to resign from such organizations and cease to support or encourage them in any way.
