AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is an ever widening gap between the salaries paid to teachers and administrators; and

WHEREAS, this differential exists even where teachers have similar educational preparation and hold the same degrees as the many highly paid administrators; and

WHEREAS, teachers are assuming greater responsibility in the formulation of school policy; and

WHEREAS, the classroom teacher is the person actually performing the main function of the school which is to teach children; and

WHEREAS, a wide differential between teacher and administrator salaries lure many good teachers away from teaching in order to get higher salaries in administration; and

WHEREAS, a wide differential between teacher and administrator salaries causes many to use teaching as a stepping stone rather than as a career:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers work toward the complete elimination of the pay differential between administrators and certified classroom teachers; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue its efforts to obtain the kind of high teaching salaries as will keep career teachers in the classroom.
