AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the pensions of State Teachers Retirement  Systems (STRS) members are augmented by only 2 percent per annum, not compounded; and

WHEREAS, 56.4 percent of STRS retirees have lost from 25 to 50 percent of the purchasing power of their original allowance; and

WHEREAS, the attorney general of California has filed suit to obtain satisfaction of school indemnity claims of the state of California amounting to some $19 billion to quiet title and seek equitable and declaratory relief with respect to Section 1 6 and 36, Township 30S, Range 2E MDM within the petroleum reserve Number 1 (Elk Hills); and

WHEREAS, the income derived from sale or lease of school lands is by state statute to be used by the STRS for COLAs:

RESOLVED, that the executive board of the AFT College Guild request the national AFT to file an amicus curiae brief or take other appropriate legal and/or political action at the state or national level to expedite this suit
