AFT Resolution


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is currently embroiled in a debate which is critically significant to democratic nations which value a free press. At the center of UNESCO's agenda is a proposal for a "new, more just and more efficient world information and communication order." In acting on it, Soviet Bloc and Third World countries are using the occasion to argue for standards of "responsibility," "balance," and "protections" in journalism that, in reality, mean advocacy of a controlled press.

UNESCO was created to fight illiteracy and promote information exchanges. It is part of the United Nations structure of agencies designed to foster cooperation away from the political and ideological debating forums of the General Assembly and the Security Council. Now, in an effort which parallels their destructive tactics in the International Labor Organization, the Soviet Bloc and some anti-democratic Third World allies, are threatening to turn UNESCO into their own political tool.

In this context, the successes of the United States in delaying consideration of some aspects of this issue surely do not constitute a victory. Moves already taken by UNESCO to strengthen the propaganda capabilities of "liberation movements" and to sponsor a future conference to judge journalistic performance, represent a clear and disastrous direction. Time is running out, and the fact that the United States contributes one-fourth of UNESCO's budget is key.

As educators, public servants and trade unionists who believe that the free and unrestricted flow of information is absolutely essential to teaching as well as to democratic political life, the American Federation of Teachers urges:

  • The United States government to take a firm and uncompromising stand in its deliberations at UNESCO,
  • The United States government to make clear to UNESCO that if any move is made to legitimize press control through the positions and activities of the agency, the United States will withhold funds and withdraw from the agency.
  • The IFFTU to take a similarly tough stance, withdrawing from all activity should such positions be taken. (Executive Council)
