AFT Resolution

Resolution Thanking President Biden For His Leadership And Lifetime Of Fighting For Working Families

WHEREAS, Joe Biden has been an incredible president, whose commitment and leadership have meant so much for millions of Americans, for our country and for the world; and

WHEREAS, Joe Biden’s devotion to public service as a U.S. senator, vice president and president has been a master class in courage, decency and accomplishment; and

WHEREAS, Joe Biden has been the most pro-public education and pro-labor president of any in our lifetime; and

WHEREAS, Joe Biden has, for over 40 years, devoted himself to ensuring that the promise of America is available to all who seek it; and

WHEREAS, Joe Biden will go down as one of the most consequential and meaningful presidents in the history of the country; and

WHEREAS, Joe Biden is someone whose life experiences crafted a resilient, competent, compassionate and honest leader with an unbending optimism, who has always put duty to country over his self-interest:

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its 1.8 million members express our heartfelt thanks to President Joe Biden for his career in public service fighting for all Americans, for showing all of us what inspiring and enduring leadership looks like, for making people’s lives materially better, and for being a champion of workers, families, unions and democracy.
