AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Egypt and Syria launched an unprovoked attack against Israel, confirmed by U.N. observers on the scene; and

WHEREAS, as trade unionists we have profound admiration for the democracy that has been built in Israel, despite adverse conditions and continuous military threats by the surrounding countries; and

WHEREAS, AFT's fraternal relations with Histadrut, Israel's great labor movement, are based on common trade union values and a shared commitment to a just world; and

WHEREAS, Israel is the most progressive and humane country in a region of feudal and military dictatorships, and its institutions are models for humanitarians in countries throughout the world; and

WHEREAS, the Egyptian and Syrian attacks against Israel constitute a grave threat not only to Israel but to the cause of world peace; and

WHEREAS, peace will only come to the Middle East when the Arab states cease their belligerency and enter into direct negotiations with Israel:

RESOLVED, that the AFT condemns the unprovoked aggression launched by Egypt and Syria against Israel; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT calls upon our government to condemn the Arab aggression and to continue to provide Israel with the material necessary to maintain its security; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support Israel in its struggle to maintain its integrity and security and we urge all members to give full support to ensure the continued existence of the democratic State of Israel. (Executive Council)
