AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, William Scheuerman has served with great distinction since 1993 on the AFT executive council, including service in recent years on the AFT executive committee; and

WHEREAS, William Scheuerman for 30 years has enjoyed a distinguished career as a political science scholar and professor and as president of the nation’s largest higher education union, United University Professions, before leaving that post last  year to become president of the National Labor College; and

WHEREAS, William Scheuerman served for eight years as chair of the AFT Higher Education program and policy council, during which time, among many other accomplishments, he:

  • led a successful national campaign to defeat state legislation restricting academic freedom;
  • greatly strengthened AFT’s influence in the national higher education policy arena;
  • developed a legislative and programmatic alliance with the higher education community of the National Education Association; and
  • defended the right of graduate employees to organize unions (for which he was imprisoned at a demonstration along with AFL-CIO president John Sweeney); and

WHEREAS, during Dr. Scheuerman’s 14-year stewardship, United University Professions grew from 21,000 to 34,000 members and became a leading force in New York state for academic freedom, quality public higher education, better funding, access for students of all economic groups, more full-time faculty and improved working conditions for part-time faculty; and
WHEREAS, William Scheuerman provided further service to the union through his tenure on the executive board of the New York State United Teachers and as chair of the higher education committee of New York State United Teachers: 

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers executive council honor the commitment and dedication of William Scheuerman and congratulate him on his long record of achievement as a forceful and effective advocate for public higher education and union rights; and
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers executive council express its confidence that, as president of the National Labor College, he will bring that institution to new heights as a center of educational opportunity and intellectual distinction for workers and their families. (Executive Council 2008)
