AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the establishment clause of the Constitution of the United States, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, precludes any religious ceremony or observance such as scriptural reading or prayer, as part of the public school program; and

WHEREAS, President Reagan has endorsed a proposed constitutional amendment providing for voluntary prayer in public schools, to nullify or circumvent those Supreme Court decisions; and

WHEREAS, state legislation providing for a moment of silent meditation in public schools has been adopted in one or more states; and

WHEREAS, newspaper photographs have shown classroom observance of silent meditation with postures often associated with prayer; and

WHEREAS, the right of all persons to pray voluntarily has never been denied under the laws of our republic, and is protected by the free exercise clause of the Constitution; and

WHEREAS, any organized activity, whether it be called voluntary prayer, silent meditation or other names, involving the possibility of group participation in postures, gestures and/or expression or action associated with prayer, has resulted and may result in traumatic pressure for conformity, regardless of conscience, on pupils, teachers and parents, from peers, superiors or others in the community, in violation of the free exercise clause, because of the wide variety of convictions regarding prayer, including time and manner; and

WHEREAS, such quasi-religious activity in public schools divides pupils, staff and community:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers declares its firm support of the First Amendment clauses concerning religion, in the Constitution of the United States, its full agreement with the Supreme Court decisions regarding organized religious observances in public schools, and its determined opposition to the proposed voluntary prayer amendment and to legislation and regulations providing for moments of silent meditation; and

RESOLVED, that all publications of the American Federation of Teachers keep its affiliates' members well informed concerning developments in this field. (Executive Council)
