AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, high school students are candidates for the U.S. military's recruiting efforts; and

WHEREAS, Section 9528 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 2001 mandates that military recruiters be given access to student names, addresses and telephone listings; and

WHEREAS, according to the above section of the NCLB, it is the district's responsibility to inform parents and students of their rights to opt out of releasing personal contact information to military recruiters; and

WHEREAS, this section of ESEA may be in direct violation of students' and parents' rights of privacy, guaranteed by the Constitution; and

WHEREAS, many students, parents, school office staff and teachers across the country are unaware of this provision of the ESEA and of students' and parents' right to opt out of having contact information released; and

WHEREAS, it is in the American Federation of Teachers’ interest to keep students aware of their rights to privacy in regard to the release of any personal information:

RESOLVED, that the AFT inform its members of the provisions of Section 9528; and

RESOLVED, that locals and members be urged to make sure that the local school district is fulfilling its notification responsibly. [AFT Executive Council, May 2005]
