AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the contributions of American women have received inadequate recognition in the recorded history of our nation; and

WHEREAS, there exists in the records, the names and deeds of certain women who have worked for human rights; and

WHEREAS, the United States Bicentennial Celebration in 1976 will give recognition to important persons and acts in the development of our nation:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call upon the Bicentennial Commission, the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, and all groups planning and participating in Bicentennial celebrations to honor the contributions of the women of our nation, especially on these important dates:

  • February 15--Susan B. Anthony was born.
  • May 28--Sojourner Truth spoke before the Akron, Ohio Suffrage Convention and demanded equal rights for all women.
  • September 25--Mary Harris (Mother) Jones led a march of 2,000 women armed with mops and brooms, at night over 15 miles of mountains to Coaldale, Pennsylvania, to organize the miners into the Union.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers make available to its members information regarding the aforementioned dates to be used in the schools for commemorative exercises.
