AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, minorities and women have just begun to move into the mainstream of American life; and

WHEREAS, the major base for support and upward mobility of women and minorities was government social programs and policies; and

WHEREAS, the administration has severely gutted or cut those programs such as CETA job training, public service employment, Title I and others, which aided minorities and women in upward mobility; and

WHEREAS, under the administration's guise of "sorting out" state and federal responsibilities, the New Federalism proposal would give states total control over the structure, cost, benefits and eligibility levels for public assistance programs; and

WHEREAS, the administration's new budget cuts would eliminate more than $7.6 billion from social programs, which would threaten the future health, development, well-being and safety of minorities and women:

RESOLVED, that the AFT:

  • Vigorously opposes all further budget cuts;
  • Seeks to restore Title I, employment and training programs and support programs for women and minorities;
  • Opposes Reagan's New Federalism which  pits people against each other and affects the quality of life for the majority of Americans; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continues to work with labor and other allies to strive to create and ensure a minimum standard of well-being for all Americans who lack the opportunities most citizens take for granted.
