AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has been a catalyst in the formation of the National Budget Coalition comprised of more than 150 national organizations representing all segments of society; and

WHEREAS, the AFL-CIO has stated that:

  • Cuts in education and welfare programs would put even greater pressure on financially-strapped individuals and state and local governments.
  • Cuts in unemployment insurance and trade adjustment assistance will be transferred to welfare budgets, as unemployed workers lose the income maintenance provided by these programs.
  • Cuts in Medicaid and health planning programs will have to be absorbed by hospitals and patients.
  • Cuts in operating subsidies for mass transit will result in higher commuting costs for workers, in­creased pollution and more wasted energy.
  • Cuts in child nutrition programs will increase food bills of parents and add to the accumulating problem of malnutrition.
  • Cuts in student assistance programs will make higher education more costly for families and deny op­portunity to many individuals.
  • Cuts in alternative energy programs will mean consumers will pay more at the pump and for home heating and America will pay in a lost opportunity to achieve energy security.
  • Cuts in urban aid and economic development programs mean the nation will continue to pay the high cost of deteriorating facilities, slums and unemployment.
  • Cuts in funding for legal services will lead to further discrimination for the poor under the judicial system.
  • Cuts in environmental programs will be paid for in terms of ill health and increased cost of cleaning up pollution when it can no longer be ignored.
  • Cuts in subsidized housing programs will force the poor to pay higher rents and add to the inflation caused by the housing shortages; and

WHEREAS, the National Budget Coalition has stated that this nation can find solutions to the problems of high inflation, high interest rates, high energy costs and high unemployment which will not create unfair hardship to any one group of Americans:

RESOLVED, that the AFT strenuously oppose the Reagan administration budget cuts and cooperate fully with the AFL-CIO in all the activities planned by the National Budget Coalition in its fight against the unnecessary and unwise destruction of social and economic advances achieved in the past 50 years. Such activities shall include working with local coalitions to:

  • Generate an understanding of the impact of the cuts in local communities.
  • Urge constituents to write to and meet with their own representatives and senators to register their objections to what is being proposed.
  • Develop local press strategies to call press attention to the impact of these cuts; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers participate in activities called for on a national level by the National Budget Coalition including a Washington demonstration or special lobbying effort; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers stand firmly opposed to federal budget cuts which do not take into consideration the unique problems and needs of the people of the various states; and

RESOLVED, that all AFT locals assume the responsibility of informing their members of the crucial need for continued contact with their senators, representatives and the President urging special, fair consideration for the people; and

RESOLVED, that the local leadership will contact other school employee groups, school boards, community groups and all other groups concerned about good education and urge them to write their senators, representatives and the President; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to all congressmen, senators and the President of the United States.
