AFT Resolution
WHEREAS, the AFT and affiliated locals have sponsored conferences on racism in education; and
WHEREAS, the AFT has published a documented study of textbooks that fail to portray accurately the contributions and conditions of black Americans and other minority groups throughout the history of our nation; and
WHEREAS, a child's knowledge and attitudes are formed to a significant measure by the textbooks he studies; and
WHEREAS, all history and social studies classes should have African and Afro-American history incorporated in them:
RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers:
- Ask publishers to cease publishing, promoting and selling materials which distort American and world history.
- Request boards of education to remove unacceptable materials from lists they have designated as "approved."
- Publicize in each AFT local the lists from the documented study of inaccurate texts.
- Request state boards of education to publish this list among school boards within their states.
- Urge that teachers be supplied with sufficient factually accurate current materials; and
- Herald the appearance of new materials to correct distorted impressions and project positive images of all ethnic groups.