AFT Resolution


RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of the American Teacher shall be sent to each teacher/school employee member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each member's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to American Teacher; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of On Campus shall be sent to each higher education member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each member's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to On Campus; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of American Educator shall be sent to each teacher and other school-related professional members of the American Federation of Teachers, and to each higher education member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each members's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to the American Educator; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of the PSRP Reporter shall be sent to each paraprofessional/school related personnel member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each member's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to PSRP Reporter; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of Healthwire shall be sent to each health care member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each member's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to Healthwire; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of each issue of Public Service Reporter shall be sent to each public employee member of the American Federation of Teachers, and that of each member's dues, a sufficient amount shall be for the subscription to Public Service Reporter.
