AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, public workers for too long a time have been afforded the dubious distinction of being second-class citizens, this status has evolved upon them because they have not been granted the basic rights enjoyed by working men and women in private industry-the right to organize, strike, and bargain collectively; and

WHEREAS, the problem faced by public workers is compounded when each state and locality often operates under a different set of statutes and ordinances affecting these workers. This lack of uniformity leads to confusion on the part of the public workers, and often to the advantage of the employer:

RESOLVED, that the AFT endorses the establishment of a Public Worker Bill of Rights. Such a Bill of Rights to contain the following provisions:

  • The right to join a union without fear of reprisal.
  • The right to a law in each and every state which provides for collective bargaining over all terms and conditions of employment, and all rules and decisions which affect working conditions.
  • The right to strike.
  • The right to job security.
  • The right to binding arbitration of all unresolved contract grievances.
  • The right to freedom from discrimination and equal opportunity in employment.
  • The right to safe and healthful working conditions with a state agency entrusted with enforcement.
  • The right to engage in political activity.
  • The right to equal pay for comparable worth.
  • The right to be retrained in the event of layoffs, job obsolescence, or dead-end jobs; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will push for the passage of this Public Worker Bill of Rights in every state legislature.
