AFT Resolution

PSRP Bill Of Rights

WHEREAS, there are more than 3 million paraprofessionals and school-related personnel who work every day to support more than 49 million students in preK-12 and 18 million students in higher education; and

WHEREAS, the AFT represents more than 370,000 paraprofessionals, classroom assistants, school bus drivers, custodians, maintenance employees, food service workers, library and health assistants, clerical employees, registrars, secretarial staff, and other school and college support staff in schools and colleges nationwide; and

WHEREAS, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are hundreds of thousands fewer school and college staff than before the pandemic, leaving schools and colleges without the necessary staff in almost every job classification, including school bus drivers and special education paraprofessionals; and

WHEREAS, the remaining PSRP staff in preK-12 and higher education face increased workloads; and

WHEREAS, many PSRPs are undercompensated for their work, and do not receive a living wage, much less a competitive, family-sustaining wage; and

WHEREAS, many PSRPs lack job security because they are, as a matter of practice, laid off at the end of each school year and rehired annually; and

WHEREAS, many struggle to receive full-time hours because their services, including those of bus drivers and food service workers, are time delimited with many of their contracts extending only through the 10-month school year; and

WHEREAS, many PSRPs lack access to high-quality, affordable healthcare because they are hired for insufficient hours to receive health benefits, or otherwise are charged exorbitant premiums for health insurance; and

WHEREAS, PSRPs are often the most diverse set of school employees, are more likely to have grown up in the communities they serve, and are the most trusted community members for students and parents, yet their voices are not always valued in forming school policies; and

WHEREAS, PSRPs often serve students facing systemic barriers to success, but are often excluded from professional growth and development opportunities; and

WHEREAS, like many other school and college employees, PSRPs too often are subject to workplace violence and other safety hazards, including contaminants and extreme temperatures; and

WHEREAS, PSRPs deserve real solutions that would empower them to work in a stable, safe environment; to have multiyear job security; to receive livable and competitive wages; and to have sufficient hours, affordable healthcare, a voice on the job, and meaningful input in school policy; and

WHEREAS, in light of all this, and as a result of our advocacy, Sens. Markey, Sanders and Warren submitted Senate Resolution 450 of the 118th Congress on Nov. 6, 2023, “expressing the sense of the Senate that paraprofessionals and education support staff should have fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions”; and an identical House Resolution 990 of the 118th Congress was submitted on Jan. 31, 2024, by Reps. Hayes, Kuster, Norton, Bowman, Grijalva, Schiff, Watson, Coleman and Craig:

RESOLVED, that the AFT will support the passage of the PSRP Bill of Rights, which aligns with Senate Resolution 450 and House Resolution 990 of the 118th Congress; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will advocate, agitate and activate for paraprofessionals and school-related personnel across the country to receive a living wage, access to high-quality affordable healthcare, 16 weeks of paid family and medical leave, access to training and professional development, job security, the freedom to join a union, adequate resources and staffing to do their jobs safely and effectively, and a say in the policies and practices that affect their working conditions; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will assist state and local union affiliates as they negotiate collective bargaining agreements, develop school board policies, and lobby for state and federal laws ensuring school and college support staff secure the provisions laid out in the resolution.
