AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, education, particularly in Urban Centers remains a serious problem; and

WHEREAS, teachers are deeply concerned with solutions to this problem; and

WHEREAS, the lack of supportive programs has frustrated the profession and places undue responsibility and criticism upon teachers; and

WHEREAS, unresolved critical situations are multiplying the hardships of children who are growing up without the advantages and opportunities to which they are entitled; and

WHEREAS, the exclusion of children from school or their dropping out fails to serve the best interests of the children, the schools or society:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage federal and state legislation to provide funds and facilities for all required school services, educational, psychological, and remedial--without which such programs cannot succeed; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers reaffirms the principle that it is the responsibility of every school system to provide educational services and facilities appropriate for all students; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all school systems to create bodies charged with the responsibility of developing educationally innovative programs and techniques designed to insure maximum educational opportunities for those students with special emotional, behavioral or learning problems who are presently unsuccessful in school; and

RESOLVED, that local and state federations should call upon appropriate agencies to develop such programs.  (Executive Council)
