AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, IKEA and its advertising agency have misrepresented student test scores in publicizing sale merchandise; and

WHEREAS, IKEA and its advertising agency have created an ad that reinforces the myth of educational decline, undercuts public confidence in the schools and maligns teachers, students and public education; and

WHEREAS, the action of IKEA and its advertising agency is particularly offensive during this time of fiscal crisis in the schools:

RESOLVED, that the AFT write a strong letter to IKEA and its advertising agency to protest its misrepresentation of test score decline when, in fact, test scores have not declined; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT protest IKEA's effort to market itself at the expense of public education; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge IKEA to withdraw its ad from all markets, publicly apologize for its misrepresentation and offense; and

RESOLVED, that if IKEA does not follow through, AFT leadership organize a boycott.
