AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT supports efforts to reverse the Supreme Court's decision in Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio vs. Betts, which held that employers could discriminate against older workers in granting disability pay and other benefits; and

WHEREAS, the "Older Workers Benefit Protection Act," S. 1511 and H.R. 3200, though intended to amend the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and to reverse the effects of the Betts decision, in fact places voluntary early retirement incentive plans in jeopardy and threaten the rights of older employees in early retirement plans:

RESOLVED, that the AFT find S. 1511 and H.R. 3200 unacceptable in their current form; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the Congress to amend these bills to protect the rights of all workers to early retirement incentive plans and benefits.
