AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, many AFT locals without pension dues checkoff and many AFT state federations without prepaid retiree membership struggle to recruit and retain their retirees as members of the local and state federation; and

WHEREAS, these AFT locals and state federations spend a tremendous amount of time and money personally contacting, phoning and mailing letters to their new retirees urging them to join their retiree chapter and state federation; and

WHEREAS, more than 300,000 AFT members are projected to retire between 2008 and 2017, with a larger number projected to retire in the decade to follow; and

WHEREAS, in 1990, AFT convention delegates recognized the generation of members who built the modern AFT and their potential to continue contributing to union building for many more years by creating a prepaid lifelong membership in the AFT; and

WHEREAS, retired members play a key role in supporting the union’s legislative agenda and endorsed candidates, voting and contributing to COPE at very high percentages; and

WHEREAS, retirees are a ready source of volunteers for local unions and state federations, with nearly 50 percent of retirees reporting they have lobbied on union issues since retirement; and

WHEREAS, many locals and state federations rely on retirees as a key constituency in defending Social Security, Medicare, pension and health benefits for present and future retirees; and

WHEREAS, retirees are often among the most loyal and supportive union members and a key constituency in strengthening our union; and

WHEREAS, pension dues checkoff and prepaid retiree membership have been proven methods of substantially improving the recruitment and retention of retirees:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge affiliates to pursue pension dues checkoff as a means to significantly grow and substantially improve recruitment and retention of their retiree membership; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge state federations and, where feasible, local unions to adopt prepaid retiree membership provisions in their constitutions.
