AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the use of private contractors in public school systems to provide services previously performed by public school employees has increased as contractors mount increasingly sophisticated sales campaigns stressing short-term savings; and

WHEREAS, private contractors and their trade associations are launching slick public relations campaigns designed to mask the flaws of contracting out and distract school boards and the community from asking the tough questions related to accountability, long-term costs, quality of services, corruption, impact on minorities, low pay, lack of benefits and poor treatment received by employees of private contractors, questionable qualifications and transient nature of contracted employees; and

WHEREAS, these campaigns seek to discount the contribution classified school employees, as an integral part of the education team, make to a student's education; and

WHEREAS, recognized experts in school restructuring, shared decision making and other education reform initiatives agree that classified school employees must be included in the decision-making process for these efforts to be successful; and

WHEREAS, employees of private contractors are not subject to the same screening systems and background checks that guarantee the integrity and qualifications of public employees:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to oppose all efforts to contract out school services performed by public school employees; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT through its Organizing, Legislative, Research and Public Affairs departments assist its locals in defeating contracting-out initiatives in their school districts; build files on private contractors; collect research and information on privatization; support anti-privatization legislation and oppose attempts to pass pro-privatization legislation; and continue to develop public relations campaigns designed to bring about greater public recognition of the important role classified school employees play in the education of students; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to develop materials and strategies to educate the public, community groups, politicians and school board members on the impact privatization will have on them and their constituency groups and encourage these groups to investigate beyond the slick sales pitches and public relations campaigns and ask the tough questions that private contractors try to avoid; and

RESOLVED, that as the AFT pursues school restructuring, shared decision making and other education reform initiatives, it continue to emphasize that the success of these efforts depends on all members of the school team, including classified employees. Further, these employees should be employees of the public school system and not of private contractors, whose bottom line is only profit and not quality education.
