AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, federal, state and local governments are increasingly seeking to reduce expenditures by hiring private contractors to perform services previously performed by public employees; and

WHEREAS, privatization and contracting out of public services result in loss of accountability, a decrease in quality and lend themselves to political favoritism and corruption; and

WHEREAS, civil service systems are designed to provide the most qualified public employees who can be free from political patronage and nepotism; and

WHEREAS, privatization and contracting may erode and bypass the civil service system, destroying the integrity of public services:

RESOLVED, that the FSE/AFT oppose the use of privatization and contracting out of public employee jobs, the privatization of government services or agencies resulting in the loss of public sector employment; and

RESOLVED, that the FSE/AFT oppose legislation or initiatives that undermine or diminish the public's right to essential services.
