AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, in an attempt to cut costs, there has been a dramatic increase in the hiring of private contractors to perform work previously performed by employees of state and local government and public education systems; and

WHEREAS, privatization and contracting out of public services result in a loss of accountability, decrease in quality of services, increased political favoritism, corruption and sexual and racial discrimination and consequently deprive the public of the quality of service it deserves; and

WHEREAS, civil service systems and collective bargaining agreements are designed to provide the most qualified public employees who can be free from political patronage, nepotism and favoritism; and

WHEREAS, privatization and contracting out may erode and circumvent civil service and collective bargaining agreements, thereby destroying the integrity of pubic services:

RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose the use of privatization and contracting out of public employee jobs, the privatization of government services or agencies resulting in the loss of public sector jobs; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose legislation or initiatives that undermine or diminish the public's right to essential services; and

RESOLVED, that the staff of the AFT continue and expand their activities in preparing the necessary research and technical assistance to members working on these problems and to encourage AFT/FSE locals and state organizations to work for passage of legislation to limit or prohibit public employers" ability to contract out public sector services.
