AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, it is estimated that 3 percent of the total population of the United States is physically handicapped, and is dependent upon mass transportation for job related activities, and the normal everyday activities of living; and

WHEREAS, it is important that the handicapped child or adult become active independent members of our society; and

WHEREAS, there exists in many situations physical barriers which prevent their access to, and engagement in full and meaningful participation as viable members of their community:

RESOLVED, that the AFT petition local, state and federal governments to eliminate all possible physical barriers from their facilities that would hinder handicapped individuals from participating in and attending its places of business; and

RESOLVED, that AFT petition local, state and federal governments to enact laws and enforce existing laws that eliminate physical barriers in all public accommodations, access ways, streets and facilities; and

RESOLVED, that AFT call upon all of its member locals to make similar efforts to eliminate all physical barriers within their own facilities and take an active and concerned role in this drive for elimination of physical barriers; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT take a leadership role by requiring that all future AFT convention sites be architecturally barrier-free including access ways into those facilities.
