AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the religious and civil rights of the people of Burma are being brutally suppressed and crushed by the military cabal that rules Myanmar; and

WHEREAS, at least nine people, including the Japanese journalist Kenji Nagai, have been murdered by troops commanded by members of the Myanmar military junta; and

WHEREAS, Myanmar military forces have shot, beaten and murdered Buddhist monks and imprisoned them within their monasteries; and

WHEREAS, The United Nations, the European Union Parliament, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and national governments including the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Chile, and Canada have condemned this brutal suppression of the people of Burma:

RESOLVED, that the membership of the American Federation of Teachers rise in solidarity with its brothers and sisters in Burma; and

RESOLVED, that the membership of the American Federation of Teachers condemn the acts of censorship and restrictions on intellectual freedom by restricting common citizens access to information networks and the Internet; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers send a copy of this resolution, accompanied by a letter of condemnation that expresses our solidarity and concern for our Burmese brothers and sisters to the Myanmar ambassador to the United States.
