AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, a historic peace agreement has been reached by the governments of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Nationalist and Unionist parties of Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, the active support and involvement of President Clinton and talks chairman Sen. George Mitchell were vital to the success of the negotiations; and

WHEREAS, the agreement provides for a representative assembly for Northern Ireland with proportional representation in its ministry and executive departments, cross-border cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic through councils of ministers and an assembly of the isles with representatives from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, the agreement allows for the possibility of further change in the political status of Northern Ireland by peaceful and democratic means; but

WHEREAS, the required approval by voters in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in a May 22 referendum was achieved; and

WHEREAS, the parties have referred to consultative bodies and future negotiations critical unresolved issues that will ultimately determine whether the new political arrangements lead to a peaceful, stable and democratic future in which all citizens of Northern Ireland enjoy internationally recognized human rights and freedom from discrimination; and

WHEREAS, these unresolved issues include the establishment of a nonsectarian, professional and civilian controlled police force, a criminal justice system that respects the due process of law, and the drafting of a Character of Human Rights for the entire island of Ireland:

RESOLVED, that the AFT congratulate President Clinton, former Senator Mitchell, the governments of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and the leaders of all parties to the agreement for their courage and perseverance in achieving this historic agreement; and

RESOLVED, that AFT condemn the on-going violence by extremists and fanatics on both the unionist and nationalist fringes aimed at disrupting and destroying the peace process as well as efforts to stir up sectarian hatred and division by certain opponents of the agreement; and

RESOLVED, that AFT urge the two governments and all parties to the agreement to work diligently to complete their work by enacting guarantees of human rights such as those outlined in the Charter for Change; and

RESOLVED, that AFT urge President Clinton to stay involved and committed until peace, democracy and equal rights are firmly established in Northern Ireland.
