AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, paraprofessionals constitute a large part of the instructional staff in many districts; and

WHEREAS, paraprofessionals are overwhelmingly women and minority people and their working conditions are therefore affected by racism and sexism; and

WHEREAS, paraprofessionals suffer from poor pay and working conditions, and a lack of job security and fringe benefits; and

WHEREAS, the conduct of an effective strike or any other action against a school district requires unity between teachers and paraprofessionals:

RESOLVED, that the AFT place a high priority on the organization of paraprofessionals into AFT locals; and

RESOLVED, that AFT locals are strongly urged to bargain for adequate pay, job security, and working conditions for paraprofessionals; and

RESOLVED, that the content of the American Teacher should reflect the needs and struggles of paraprofessionals; and

RESOLVED, that, wherever possible, AFT locals be urged to organize paraprofessionals and teachers into one bargaining unit to facilitate greater strength in bargaining with school districts.
