AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers continues to organize and unionize paraprofessionals; and

WHEREAS, teacher aides, school service assistants, school community assistants, instructional laboratory aides, and pre-school aides play a vital role in establishing and maintaining a link between the school and community; and

WHEREAS, these educational workers demonstrate many varied skills, loyalty, and dedication to the pupils they serve; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers remains consistent and vigilant in organization of paraprofessionals on the national basis; and

WHEREAS, the need exists for paraprofessionals to develop and benefit by skills used by their peers to transfer appreciable educational experiences to help their disadvantaged students; and

WHEREAS, continued job security, funding, and job descriptions vary from city to city, state to state, region to region:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers investigate the possibility of a National Paraprofessional Conference.
