AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has taken the lead in education reform; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers is dedicated to professionalism in the career of teaching; and

WHEREAS, surveys of teachers consistently show that the paperwork load results in stress, frustration, and discontent with the profession; and

WHEREAS, such surveys also show that paperwork is a major contributing factor in teachers leaving the profession:

RESOLVED, that we recommend that the American Federation of Teachers investigate and study the problem of paperwork and formulate positive approaches to reducing it. The investigation shall include the following tasks:

  • Conduct research into the problem of paperwork;
  • Develop practical recommendations for the guidance of all locals for use in contract negotiations on the issue of paperwork;
  • Prepare and disseminate a research-based rationale for initiating change in school district policies and procedures regarding paperwork; and,
  • Develop a step-by-step plan to guide individual locals in effecting such changes within their districts; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT vigorously oppose clerical burdens imposed upon teachers; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call upon the United States Department of Education, state education departments, school districts, and school administrators to sharply reduce the paperwork burden; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the introduction of computerized data-gathering procedures at the school level and adequate clerical staff to implement procedures so that teachers will be freed from oppressive clerical tasks.
