AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the sense of Congress with respect to the inappropriateness of Medicare reimbursement for cost incurred for activities directly relating to influencing employees with respect to unionization is clearly established by the adoption of a prohibition on such payments under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982; and

WHEREAS, the appropriateness of such prohibition has been previously recognized by the administrative branch by virtue of the existence of a similar prohibition under the Medicare provider reimbursement rules from 1979 to 1982; and

WHEREAS, the Reagan administration's retroactive modification of such reimbursement rules so as to allow reimbursement under Medicare for such costs is clearly contrary to this sense of Congress:

RESOLVED, that the FNHP/AFT notify the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the president to urge that, in keeping with the clearly demonstrated sense of Congress, the Medicare provider reimbursement rules be reconsidered by the administration and that such rules be amended and/or administered so that costs incurred for activities directly related to influencing employees respecting proposed unionization are not considered as related to patient care and therefore not includable in computation of Medicare reimbursement. (Executive Council)
