AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, at the 1973 AFT Convention a resolution was adopted stating that the AFT opposes any punitive action against teachers and all educational workers for acts committed in their private lives, unless such acts can be shown to affect fitness to teach, and

WHEREAS, the 1973 AFT Convention resolution also stated that the AFT urges its state federations and locals to work for repeal of state laws and local school district regulations which attempt to punish acts committed by teachers in the course of their private lives, unless such acts can be shown to affect fitness to teach; and

WHEREAS, there is an initiative statute on the November ballot in California which, if enacted, would violate the AFT policy established by the 1973 Convention; and

WHEREAS, both the California Federation of Teachers and the California Labor Federation have voted in their respective conventions to oppose this initiative statute-known as the Briggs Initiative or Proposition #6:

RESOLVED, that the AFT go on record in opposition to Proposition #6--the Briggs Initiative--on the California ballot in November 1978.
