AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, nuclear power represents a small proportion of total U.S. energy, currently comprising 12 per­cent of electrical output or 4 percent of total power; and

WHEREAS, the most ambitious plans for nuclear power project that it would comprise 24 percent of electrical output or 8 percent of total; and

WHEREAS, other industrial nations rely far more heavily on nuclear power, with France projecting that by the mid-1990s, 70 percent of its electric power will be generated by nuclear power, with Germany and the Soviet Union estimating that 50 percent of their electrical power will be generated by nuclear power by the mid 1990s; and

WHEREAS, the United States' continuing reliance on imported oil constitutes a grave threat to the U.S. economy, to our national security and to peace and stability in the world:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge strict standards of safety for workers and the general population in all energy industries, including the nuclear in­dustry; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge that the United States continue to support research and development of safe alternative energy sources including but not limited to solar, geothermal, wind and synthetic fuels and to promote exploration and development of our own domestic fossil fuel capabilities to diminish our reliance on imported oil; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support legislation and/or changes in regulations in order to accomplish the above aims; and

RESOLVED, that if any violation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations is discovered in a nuclear facility it be shut down immediately and not permitted to operate until it is in compliance; and

RESOLVED, that stiffer regulations be developed for the storage of nuclear waste; and

RESOLVED, that federal funds be provided for the purpose of research on the storage and cleaning of nuclear waste; and

RESOLVED, that the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission be increased to guarantee frequent on-site inspection and constant monitoring of the air, water, and land around nuclear facilities including waste storage sites; and

RESOLVED, that the present nuclear facilities be upgraded to prevent every conceivable nuclear accident.
