AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has traditionally supported the ideal of full educational opportunity for all children without regard to race or economic circumstances; and

WHEREAS, millions of American public school children are denied this equality of opportunity, because poverty prevents them from taking advantage of all the opportunities offered by our public schools; and

WHEREAS, highly skilled, conscientious and well experienced instructors are needed to secure a well rounded education for the young people previously mentioned; and

WHEREAS, the National Teacher Corps shows promise as being a very effective vehicle for promoting the educational improvement of boys and girls who would otherwise not profit to the fullest extent from our public schools; and

WHEREAS, a critical shortage of well trained teachers exists throughout the country:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers affirms its continued support of the National Teacher Corps established under Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965; and

RESOLVED, that all officers and members of the American Federation of Teachers exert themselves throughout this nation and in every possible way, to prevent any curtailment of authorizations or appropriations by Congress, necessary for the maintenance, growth and progress of the National Teacher Corps; and

RESOLVED, that all local officers and members of the American Federation of Teachers be urged to work strenuously for cooperation with the program of the National Teacher Corps by state and local educational officials throughout the United States.
