AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, attention in recent years has been focused on the dramatic and far-reaching changes that need to take place in public education in the U.S.; and

WHEREAS, the delivery of education is directly influenced by the jobs performed by all school employees. Schools function from day to day with the services provided by a team of people. The school bus driver gets the students to school on time; the school secretary is there to contact parents in emergencies and keep student records; the classroom paraprofessional provides numerous and varied special and instructional services to students; food service workers provide nutritious school breakfasts and lunches; and custodial and maintenance employees keep the schools clean and safe; and

WHEREAS, restructuring the schools promises to put even more emphasis on the team approach to providing education and increase and expand the need for support personnel in schools; and

WHEREAS, the role of school employees in the delivery of education has long been in need of greater public understanding; and

WHEREAS, there is a tradition of setting aside days and weeks to honor various professions and fields of work in this country:

RESOLVED, that the AFT seek congressional action to have proclaimed a "National School Employee Week."
