AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT sees a crisis in the U.S. health care system because of the high cost of services; and

WHEREAS, medical costs have exceeded by many times the rate of inflation and threaten the access to health care services of all Americans-young, middle aged or elderly; and

WHEREAS, millions of Americans have no health insurance protection whatsoever; and

WHEREAS, the AFT supports legislation to establish a national health plan for every American that would include benefits and services, cost controls on health care providers and financing that is shared fairly among all Americans:

RESOLVED, that the AFT is committed to the enactment of a universal, comprehensive national health care plan, which would embody both equitable financing and reasonable cost controls on health providers; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT join the AFL-CIO in a petition and letter-writing campaign drive to indicate the approval of millions of American citizens for a national, comprehensive health care program and to make it a major issue; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will publicize, promote and emphasize the need for a national health care plan to benefit all who need health care, from the youngest to the oldest.
