AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, 90 percent of all radiation emitted comes from medicine/health fields; and

WHEREAS, estimates indicate at least 75 percent of the work force in hospitals and health-related areas are women; and

WHEREAS, workers in this category comprise 49 percent of the radiation exposed work force; and

WHEREAS, of the total collective dosage to female workers, 65 percent was received by women under the age of 30 and over 80 percent by women in the medicine/health related fields; and

WHEREAS, estimates of less than half the workers in medicine/health related areas are monitored:

RESOLVED, that the AFT/FNHP support federal legislation limiting maximum radiation exposure to workers in medicine/health fields; and

RESOLVED, that such legislation include strict guidelines monitoring radiation exposure to this workforce to be enforced by the agencies monitoring the health industries; and

RESOLVED, that such legislation include a research program designed to effectively assess current levels of radiation exposure in over to knowledgeably implement minimum radiation exposure limits; and

RESOLVED, that such legislation be reflective of the long-term genetic effects on future generations in recognition of the exposure of this work force, which happens to be highly female.
