AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, health care employers are improperly using federal dollars in anti-union activities that involve the persuasion of employees and that clearly do not relate to patient care services; and

WHEREAS, the costs incurred by the employer for such anti-union activities are not allowable costs under Medicare reimbursement; and

WHEREAS, Medicare regulations specifically state that the costs of using management consultant firms in counseling or influencing employees regarding union membership and the right to organize are not allowable for reimbursement; and

WHEREAS, the Medicare Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services is aware of this misuse of federal funds; and

WHEREAS, the employer must identify the services furnished by management consultant firms in sufficient detail so that the Medicare Bureau can determine the propriety of reimbursement; and

WHEREAS, union-busting of any type should not be condoned, either actively or passively, by the federal government:

RESOLVED, that the FNHP/AFT notify the Department of Health and Human Services that it strongly supports full enforcement of regulations that prohibit the use of Medicare funds for anti-union activities.
