AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the World Health Organization has recognized the serious danger to health involved in encouraging the feeding of milk formulas to infants in developing countries; and

WHEREAS, the danger is particularly great where mothers are illiterate, do not have pure water or the income necessary to maintain the feeding of milk formulas to their infants; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. was one of only three governments to oppose the World Health Organization resolution to check the encouragement of formula feeding in developing countries; and

WHEREAS, in taking this position the Reagan administration was favoring corporate greed at the expense of poor children in the developing countries:

RESOLVED, that the AFT condemns the Reagan administration's stand on this matter and urges Congress to adopt a resolution calling for its reversal; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT send a copy of this resolution to all members of Congress; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT delegates to the AFL-CIO convention urge passage of a similar resolution by that body.
