AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT has approved many resolutions seeking peaceful solutions to international problems; and

WHEREAS, the problems of the Middle East have been a source of concern not only because of the hardship and suffering that they have caused for the people of that area but also because of the danger they create for the entire world:

RESOLVED, that the AFT offer its gratitude and congratulations to Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter for their efforts toward a lasting peace between Egypt and Israel; and

RESOLVED, that the leaders of all Middle Eastern nations increase their efforts to find solutions to their remaining differences so that peace too might have a domino effect; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call upon the Egyptian and Israeli teachers to do their utmost to promote understanding and cooperation between their respective peoples and to revise all textbooks and educational programs to reflect the spirit of humanity and good neighborliness in order to strengthen the peace process and the democratic development of the Middle East.
