AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, central labor bodies play vitally important roles in the development of labor solidarity, political consciousness and activity, and awareness of and involvement in many social and cultural institutions and programs of great value to the working people; and

WHEREAS, there are many central labor bodies that are not operating at their maximum potential because some AFL-CIO affiliates are not affiliated with their respective central labor bodies, per capita payments lag, and attendance is infrequent; and

WHEREAS, it is to the interest of our union, as well as to the interest of all working people and society in general, that all central labor bodies have maximum affiliation, attendance, and economic support:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call upon its locals not only to take all steps necessary for their own maximum involvement in their respective central labor bodies, but to encourage all nearby locals of other AFL-CIO national and international unions to do likewise, and to inform their own members of these efforts.
