AFT Resolution

"Lessons for Life"

WHEREAS, the traditional mission of our public schools is to prepare our nation's young people for equal and responsible citizenship and productive adulthood; and

WHEREAS, democratic citizenship and productive adulthood begin with high standards of conduct and academic achievement in our schools; and

WHEREAS, the overwhelming majority of the American public and parents, across all demographic groups, have consistently stated in survey after survey that, first and foremost, they want their schools to be safe, orderly, and clearly focused on students' mastering core academic knowledge and skills; and

WHEREAS, these same surveys reveal that Americans do not believe that these fundamental expectations of their public schools are being fulfilled, or even acknowledged by school officials and political leaders; and

WHEREAS, surveys of AFT members, as well as of teachers in general, reveal that school staff overwhelmingly agree with the public and parents that high standards of conduct and achievement are essential preconditions to teaching and learning; and

WHEREAS, these same surveys show that school staff also rank poor discipline and lack of support for upholding academic standards as among their top school problems, and that, much like the public, they are increasingly frustrated by the failure of school and other officials to address or even acknowledge these problems; and

WHEREAS, Americans are deeply attached to their public schools and to the institution of public education, but they will not support them indefinitely if their basic, legitimate demands for safety, order and high academic standards are not met; and

WHEREAS, high standards of conduct and achievement are supported not only by popular will and by the judgment of those who work closest with students, but their effectiveness in improving school and student performance has also been consistently confirmed by research; and

WHEREAS, other education reforms being debated in education and political circles may work, but the evidence is incontrovertible that high standards of conduct and achievement do work for all students¾ and nothing else can work without them; and

WHEREAS, focusing education reform efforts, first and foremost, on high standards of conduct and achievement is essential to restoring public confidence in public education, improving school performance and student achievement, and, thereby, preserving public education and its vital role in our democracy; and

WHEREAS, each and every constituency group in the AFT has a vital stake in the improvement and perpetuation of public education either as members who work directly with pre-kindergarten, elementary and secondary school students or in colleges and universities and as mutually supportive trade unionists, citizens and parents; and

WHEREAS, the AFT's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Learning reflects the priorities of the American public, parents, and school staff, is grounded in solid research knowledge and practical experience with what works to improve student, staff, and school performance, and has been widely hailed across the nation as long-overdue common sense; and

WHEREAS, the success of the initial launch of "Responsibility, Respect, Results: Lessons for Life" has amply confirmed the wide and diverse support for high standards of conduct and achievement as the essential reform for our public schools:

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its affiliates manifest its historic commitment to preserving and improving public education by participating in or supporting "Responsibility, Respect, Results: Lessons for Life"; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT, its affiliates and members reach out to parents, community, civic, religious, civil-rights, labor, business, student and other groups and individuals to mobilize our mutual support for high standards of conduct and achievement in all our public schools and, together, to carry that message to school officials and education and political leaders; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT, its affiliates and members, working with local, state, and national leaders and citizens, seek adoption of the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Learning in every school district and appropriate implementation of its principles; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT, its affiliates and members make support of high standards of conduct and achievement in our public schools a major factor in supporting candidates for public office, from the school board to the White House.
