AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Nixon Administration's higher education budget requests will mean a loss of millions of dollars to higher education; and

WHEREAS, it will mean a wiping out of a number of university and community college programs which help people where they are in the community resulting in a loss of important services to people as well as a substantial loss of faculty jobs; and

WHEREAS, universities throughout the nation will be deeply and adversely affected by the Nixon cuts in library and community services, vocational education and other programs of benefit to society:

RESOLVED, that the national AFT Convention institute the following legislative program:

The AFT and other higher education representative bodies make every effort to form higher education legislative councils on the state and national levels for joint legislative action on behalf of colleges and universities.

Ask the affiliated AFT college and university local unions to send information to a designated coordinator about their institution's federally-funded activities and what effect budget cuts will have upon them.

Establish at the earliest possible date an Education Legislative Institute to which all higher education local unions are invited to participate as a major component to achieve the following:

  • Delegates from local affiliates will spend at least one day in a legislative briefing session.
  • They will be sent out to meet Senators, Representatives and Administration officials.
  • Fact sheets will be provided the delegates which they can leave with those they visit.  These fact sheets will contain basic information about education problems helpful in formulating sound legislation on the subject.
  • Materials prepared for the Institute will be sent to the legislative and COPE committee chairpersons of each AFT affiliate.
