AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, public sector employees and their allies know that there is room for improvement in the quality and efficiency of public services; and

WHEREAS, many of the criticisms of the public sector workforce are driven by government motives and an uninformed public, rather than a sincere desire to improve services to the public; and

WHEREAS, many of the inefficiencies found within the public sector are due to outdated and excessive bureaucratic management structures over which public sector employees have no control; and

WHEREAS, public sector employees are on the frontlines of service to the public every day and have demonstrated their commitment to improving the quality of these services; and

WHEREAS, they are best suited to use their expertise and want to make a commitment to assist in the design of more efficient ways to deliver those public services:

RESOLVED, that the AFT take the offensive for excellence in government by challenging public employers to eliminate outdated management structures and develop a partnership between them and their employees focusing on productivity, efficiency and job skills; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT take the initiative in encouraging that the public sector employee be consulted in a meaningful way through the use of joint labor/management committees with their employer in working together to bring about positive changes in the workplace and in the design and delivery systems of the services that they provide; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT seek contract language on joint labor-management committees that ensures equal involvement and that the selection of public service representatives shall be made by the union.
