AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT by convention resolution has sought coverage for teachers under the National Labor Relations Act; and

WHEREAS, it has become possible for unscrupulous employers to violate the spirit and letter of the law by seeking delay through endless bouts of litigation, the purpose of which is to show their employees that the rights of the NLRA are not enforceable; and

WHEREAS, any employer willing to accept fines can violate the rulings of the National Labor Relations Board without fear of real sanction; and

WHEREAS, it can take years to process complaints against employers engaged in the most vicious types of anti-union activity:

RESOLVED, that the AFT endorse the efforts of the AFL-CIO to reform our labor laws including expansion of the NLRB to seven members, requirements for speedy resolution of unfair labor practice charges, loss of federal contracts and real civil and criminal penalties for consistent labor law violators, fines that can truly deter unscrupulous employers from bad faith bargaining; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support H.R. 8410 and S. 2467, bills which include provisions that implement policies expressed in this resolution.
