AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the differential between men's and women's wages continues to grow, and men now make 175 percent of the women's earnings; and

WHEREAS, over 80 percent of women workers are segregated into "female" occupations that are different in content from "men's" jobs but in many cases are not different in the skill, effort and responsibility required; and

WHEREAS, low rates for women tend to bring down the wage rate for men as well as women; and

WHEREAS, courts are not the proper forum to set wage policies except to rectify cases of intentional discrimi­nation:

RESOLVED, that the AFT supports the efforts of its leadership to encourage the achievement of these objectives through the options of collective bargaining, legislation, political action, or litigation; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT join with the AFL-CIO in efforts to break down sexual stereotyping in our society so that women will aspire to and be accepted in "male" jobs, and that men will do likewise in "female" jobs. (Executive Council)
