AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Jacqueline B. Vaughn was President of the Chicago Teachers Union and Illinois Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, Jacqueline B. Vaughn served as Vice President of the American Federation of Teachers and as a member of the AFT Executive Committee; and

WHEREAS, Jacqueline B. Vaughn devoted her life and talents to improving the lives not only of the members she represented but the hundreds of thousands of children whose lives they touched; and

WHEREAS, Jacqueline B. Vaughn’s achievements and accomplishments are too numerous to enumerate but can be seen in the continued strength of the unions she left as her legacy, the bonds that connect her members, and the unending devotion those members pledge to making public schools the successful learning centers for which their establishment was intended:

RESOLVED, that the 1994 convention of the American Federation of Teachers observe a moment of silence to honor the memory of a woman whose fight for life ended on January 22, 1994, but whose achievements will be honored as long as there are children to teach.
