It’s Beyond Time To Publish The 28th Amendment
WHEREAS, the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in Congress over 100 years ago to commemorate the struggle for constitutional gender equality and enshrine the principle of gender equality under the law; and
WHEREAS, the ERA, once published, will have a profound impact on shaping policies and fostering an environment that is conducive to fairness, equity and inclusivity in all areas of public life, including education; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly codify the rights of individuals regardless of sex; and
WHEREAS, on March 22, 1972, the ERA passed Congress with the needed 213 votes, and Congress set a seven-year deadline for the necessary 38 states to ratify; and
WHEREAS, although 30 states ratified within a year, it was not until 2020 that the 38th state ratified; and
WHEREAS, Congress had extended its deadline previously, and could potentially extend it again; and, under a 1984 law, the Archivist of the United States is charged with issuing a formal certification after three-quarters of the states have ratified an amendment:
RESOLVED, that the AFT will call upon the Archivist of the United States to print the amendment and see that the Equal Rights Amendment is published; and
RESOLVED, that the AFT will educate our members about the history, evolution, importance and current status of the ERA and constitutional protections against sex-based discrimination; and
RESOLVED, that the AFT will affirm our commitment to championing the rights of all individuals within the education system and beyond, and believes that the publication of the federal Equal Rights Amendment will contribute to the realization of a more just and equitable society.