AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has for many years supported the international educational exchange program of the United States Government:

RESOLVED, that the AFT Convention support the following resolution adopted by the United States National Commission for UNESCO at its 32nd meeting on October 7 and 8, 1968:

"WHEREAS, the international educational exchange programs of the United States Government directly support a major objective of UNESCO and therefore of this Commission; and

WHEREAS, these exchange programs conducted by the Department of State under the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 have made significant contributions to international understanding, United States foreign policy, and the quality and breadth of education in this country; and

WHEREAS, Congress has reduced the financial support for these programs by one-third for the fiscal year 1969, from $46 million to $31 million; and

WHEREAS, the Department of State has reduced the exchange of U.S. scholars, teachers, students and specialists by 67 percent as a result of this reduction of funds; and

WHEREAS, these decisions will have a serious effect upon academic communities, programs and activities in this and in many foreign countries, including the weakening or elimination of many longstanding institutional ties and cooperative associations; and

WHEREAS, a continuation of such limited support for educational exchange programs for more than one year will lead to the dismantling of many administrative arrangements, the suspension of intergovernmental agreements, and the loss of much voluntary support and activity on behalf of the program by members of academic communities everywhere--all moves not easily or inexpensively reversed; and

WHEREAS, the programs usually are presented or discussed largely in a foreign policy context; we believe the second objective noted below has not received sufficient consideration from those whose decisions affect the programs:

RESOLVED, that the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO urge the President, the Congress, and the Department of State to make every effort to restore support for these programs to a level that they may continue to make an important contribution to the strength of education in our own country;"

RESOLVED, that the AFT and all its affiliates do everything within their power to help bring about the support indicated above; and

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, the Majority and Minority leaders of each House of the Congress, the Secretary of State and the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO.
